NLG Chicago Legal Observer (LO) with Pilsen Alliance protestors during the ‘March to Abolish ICE’ (June 2018). www.thepilsenalliance.org
The slogan of the National Lawyers Guild is “law for the People.” This call has always been an ideal that we struggle towards by building dignity-focused, movement-based spaces for advocates and activists to come together.
Small steps have been made over the years. Although some decisions were — and still are — inadequate at the time, they are nevertheless important steps. For example, decisions like Flores, which limited detention of children in immigration proceedings; or Obergefell, which established same-sex marriage rights; or increased pay for teachers through Union support and strikes; or the ongoing fight by Chicago Community Bond Fund to bring dignity to those facing felony charges, freeing those incarcerated solely because they cannot afford to post bond. “Relentless advocacy — by lawyers, paralegals, and organizers — was key to all of these wins.” And in countless other, less known but incredibly important instances, the people who find solidarity through the NLG have continue to fight for dignity, and law that works for the people, across all areas.
Sadly, this ideal of “law for the People” seems so far away right now.
These past few weeks have been devastating as we watch our government rip up what we have fought for and destroy rights belonging to disenfranchised communities across the United States. We protest in fear and anger for ourselves, our families, our friends, our neighbors, our countries. We grieve for the loss and trauma that has come and organize to stop what is coming.
We must continue to organize — to stand in the strength of solidarity across religion, ethnicity, income, and employment. This diversity of thoughts and life experiences is what makes our struggle for dignity a bright light in these truly fucked up times. We need that bright light as a reminder that we are strong and will not give up.

NLG Chicago Legal Observer (LO) with Pilsen Alliance protestors during the ‘March to Abolish ICE’ (June 2018). www.thepilsenalliance.org
And while this should not need to be said — this should not ever need to be shared — it feels important to remind each of us reading this.
You are wanted, here, in your country. You are deserving of dignity, appreciation, love, and respect. You are needed here. What you bring matters. Who you are matters. You have a community here, built out of our collective tenacity, strength, and loyalty. We, all of us, are lucky you are here. THANK YOU.
Today, the NLG Chicago re-commits to standing with its membership to fight in solidarity with, alongside, and among our many communities for the children separated from families; for the people detained and for those jailed; for all those discriminated against because they are Muslim; for black men and women who daily fight the persecution of police and institutionalized racism; for labor movements fighting for dignity in the workplace; for the First Nations working to save our water and our lands; for women everywhere whose reproductive autonomy is taken away, over, and over; and for countless other struggles.
Guided by our ‘law for the People’ ideal and the light of many movements guiding us through, we stand together.